How the COVID-19 Pandemic and George Floyd Racial Unrest Gave me a Second Chance: Re-Launching Shells Belles Kidz, now Biageli Parade RSS

How the COVID-19 Pandemic and George Floyd Racial Unrest Gave me a Second Chance: Re-Launching Shells Belles Kidz, now Biageli Parade

The racial tension and health anxiety created by the 2020 George Floyd murder and COVID 19 pandemic all culminated for me to a personal unrest and time management crises. Since 2004, when I started my pharmaceutical career, I’ve had a traveling job that kept me on the road and away from my family 2 to 4 days per week. And then came the COVID-19 shutdown in March 2020 and the beginning of the work-from-home era which created a prime opportunity for me to spend quality time with family and be the all-round American Mom I’ve always fantasized about. I picked up baking, expanded my culinary skills, planted a garden, joined mom support groups and started toying around with the idea of rekindling...

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